June 11, 2012

As Promised

I finished hanging the hooks in my closet this evening. Yesterday afternoon was spent painting and I must be a little out of practice because I wore myself out. The wall is only 3 feet wide by 8 feet tall, so it's really tiny compared to say, our entire master bedroom.

Again, here's the ugly board that was there before. The paint on the wall was flat, one of my biggest pet peeves.

I was rather proud that I managed to tape off the ceiling, corner, and baseboard in a fairly straight manner.
I then realized that I did not have:
  1. a small paintbrush to use for the corners and edges and 
  2. a stir stick for the paint
Necessity (laziness?) being the mother of invention, I dug out my Dollar Store plastic ruler (bonus: the latex paint peeled right off when it dried) and since I'd taped the three sides really well, I used my foam roller and just smooshed the paint up into the edge.

Professional technique?

Probably not.

Did it get the job done?

You betcha.

"Quill," used in our master bedroom as well

Thanks to my sis-in-law for her donation of an old sheet that we use as a drop cloth.
I did two coats and gave the first one about 45 minutes to dry. The second coat, I tried to put on a little thicker. Tonight after dinner, I hammered a few nails in the wall and......

Ta da!

I've got plans for various and sundry items to hang here. Jeremy's belts and ties are the one thing I wanted to display and store a little better.

After I finished, I still had the "itch" so I had to get outside and trim the stupidbig bush in our front yard that's growing insanely fast. Since we had a full day of rain, it was easy to pull up some of the runners it had sent out. The soil there was very loose, made up of a lot of composted leaves and mulch.

I just hacked and hacked with the new clippers that my parents gave J for his birthday last week. It was pretty therapeutic. Too bad my old painting injury was acting up and I had to quit.... ;)

I managed a respectable two wheelbarrow loads of trimmings. Which represents about 1/8th of the work needed to get that bush looking decent.

Then as I dumped the second load in the brush pile out back, I disturbed a doe as she was out for her supper.

I wanted to attempt a small boxed garden next year for some fresh veggies, but I have a feeling she and her buddies might eat it all...

1 comment:

  1. I think I should come up with a list of things for you to do at my house while you're here... ;)


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