What a week.
Or, I should say, what a crazy past few weeks since my last post!
There's been a lot going on. . . and a lot of nothing going on, if that makes any sense.
I did want to share about my mantle that I found at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore this weekend. It was only $35.
I will say that we forgot they only take cash or checks and we had to run to the closest ATM. So. Worth. It.
Here it is on Jeremy's workbench. Notice my well-used drop-cloth. It's a plastic tablecloth I found at Target one time on clearance for $1.
I'm planning on mounting it to the wall above our bed and using it for pictures and various knick-knacks. Yes, it will be secure enough so that it will not fall on our heads in the middle of the night and kill us.
Thank you to my boss for pointing that out.
In other project-ville news. . . .
I have nothing.
I've been lazy (pretty much), and haven't done any of the projects I have sitting downstairs.
That could be because of the snake.
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Yes, there is a snake in my house. I saw it while doing laundry the other weekend. There was only minimal freak-out followed by the thought, "Just grab him by his itty bitty neck and throw him outside! You can't let him bite the cats!"
(He really was tiny. Not worm-tiny, but tiny enough that I was pretty sure he couldn't wrap himself around my neck and strangle me. Okay, okay, he was like, MAYBE a foot long.)
But when I got back around the corner to grab him . . . he was gone.
Needless to say, the hunt was on.
Also needless to say . . . we still haven't found him.
J is convince he's gone back outside through whatever hole or crack in came in through. Of course we're going to inspect the exterior of our house and seal any holes so he can't decide to make another visit.
So the fear of Snakey-Snake has kept me out of the basement unless absolutely necessary.
BUT with my new mantle comes the need for a trip to Lowe's for some seriously long screws & bolts, so we may as well pick up the spray paint that I also need and get two projects done and out of the way.
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On the D-front....I get tired of talking about it. Reading about it. Living with it.
I can't control the last, so I'll control the first two.
My trial week with the Dexcom went pretty well. It's an extremely useful tool and the day after I took it off, I felt a little lost. I also felt I had some spare time on my hands since I wasn't taking the extra steps to input all kinds of data into two separate devices.
J still wants to figure out how to play Tetris on it.
So the appeals process has been started with my insurance company. Hopefully the data I was able to gather during my week of use will enable them to make a decision in my favor. If it's going to happen, I need it to happen before the end of the year since I've already met my deductible.
It kind of struck me, the first day of use. Ok, I'm test-using this machine so that I can prove I have low blood sugars that I can't feel coming. . . yet with this machine, I can see them coming and take the appropriate steps to prevent them, thereby not having them. Which is good. . . . but doesn't prove I need the machine. It tells that I need the machine, but there's no concrete, solid evidence that shows it, you know? Maybe I wasn't going to drop that low before I started coming back up. Maybe I was going to drop lower than I'd ever been. Who knows?
J likes to explain my unexplainable disease with two words: chaos theory.
It's a fitting description.
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